How will my future self look like? I’m sure these questions always come to our minds.
Even I have such questions to answer. This blog is part of the DDIP assignment. I have tried to pen down how my version 2.0 would look.
So let’s read more about my version 2.0
Omkar’s future self
Omkar Naidu is one of India’s leading digital marketing consultants.
Omkar believes in the philosophy of being agile and practical. According to him being disciplined and hardworking makes him a better person who understands relationships in more depth.
Once a procrastinator, Mr Omkar is someone who now manages his time and tasks better.
Being overweight since his childhood, he has lost a significant amount of weight.
He now has a better physique and takes most care of his diet.
What is interesting is he gives all credit to his life coach – who helped him unlock his hidden potential and overcome the habit of being extremely self-critical.
He is also a piano and harmonica player, he says music helps him calm down the stress helping in better decision making.
Omkar now understands the stock market at a much deeper level.
He created his own software which tracks various stocks in the portfolio and recommends whether to hold/buy/exit.

My future self does not have any kind of commitment issues and insecurity wrt relationships.
He has a holistic approach towards life, enjoying the moment instead of over planning and fretting over the future uncertainties.
Omkar is ambitious and driven, thrives on challenges, constantly setting goals so there is always something exciting to strive for.
He is not comfortable with settling for anything which is not of high quality as he has set high standards and high quality for himself.
Omkar’s version 2.0 is always looking to do better and achieve greatness. He has a better sense of judgement. In spite of being someone who was never heard enough, he never let the shortcomings defeat him.
Always in a state of joy, he is unmoved by petty things as he always feels that it is best to invest his energy and time into something which benefits the world.
He invests a lot in books rather than trending web series and useless online content. He has replaced web series with Ted talks and has started practising yoga and meditation.

Omkar’s version 2.0 has calm composure, not crumbling under pressure, he knows what he wants from life, unlike the current version.
He has stopped living like a lizard because he has come to realize that to achieve something great in life one has to be ready to put in a great amount of effort.
Quality attracts Quality and High standard attracts High standard.

Note – This is an assignment for Digital Deepak Assignment. You can join the program here.
Version 2.0 Keytakeways
I feel it is important to understand and envision our own future self. It makes us aware of our potential and shortcomings.
I have mentioned that we have a lizard brain that always tries to avoid getting out of our comfort zone.
We should try to resist that urge and stay out on our journey towards a better version. Planning, commitment, and perseverance are the best tools to move ahead in the journey of change.
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