The biggest mistake freelancers make (90% of them) in India
The biggest mistake freelancers make in India


Hey! How are you?

I am sure you are pretty curious to know the biggest mistakes freelancers make..! Although it is one of the most common mistakes committed.

So let’s quickly get to know and overcome the mistake.

Do you know the biggest mistake freelancers make in India?

Most of them don’t have an active website showcasing their skills and work.

Why should they waste their money on a domain name and web hosting if they aren’t monetizing it?

That’s a huge mistake.

A domain is not just a website. It’s your online address.

If you are a digital marketer, you should have your website up and running.

You could use your domain in multiple ways.

Recommended Read – Installing WordPress

Personal Branding

You could put up your resume, optimize it to rank for the relevant terms.

When someone is searching to find experts in your specialization, you could rank at the top of the search results. It could lead to a new opportunity – a job or a freelance project.

If you are actively looking for a job, you could invest in ads, run a campaign targeting your prospects and land a job or get a client.

Case study

You could write a case study about the result you produced, promote it to the relevant target groups.

It could impress someone looking to get similar results and open an opportunity.

If you are actively looking for clients, you could run ads targeting prospects who want such results and land a client.

Thought leader

You could use your website to express your thoughts and position yourself as an expert in your niche. It will help you become a consultant or a mentor.

Affiliate Earnings

You could review the products you used, books you read, tools you like etc. and earn a passive income through affiliate marketing.

Problem Solving

You can create a niche website focusing on solving problems for a specific audience set and convert it into a full-fledged affiliate website and a passive income source.


You can use it as your journal, publish your learnings and share your journey with your audience.

Why create a personal website?

Why freelancers should create a personal website?

Of course, you could do everything on social networks.

The problem is, social networks can delete your account, block your access and rob your audience any day.

You cannot do anything about it. All your work will go to waste.

People with a hundred thousand followers have lost their accounts overnight and are forced to start from scratch.

You wouldn’t want that to happen to you.

That’s why we recommend you not to build your brand or business on a rented space like social networks.

And domains and hosting are damn cheap these days.

You could get a domain for ₹700 rupees and host it for ₹150 rupees a month which comes to around ₹200 rupees a month.

Recommended Read – WordPress website cost in India

That’s almost equal to recharging your mobile or an average meal cost or drinking tea once a working day or a movie ticket.

But the returns you get from the investment will be at least 10X of the cost.

Ok, I’m sold. But where do I host my domain?

Hostinger is what I recommend

Following are the reasons why I feel Hostinger is the best suited

Install WordPress on Hostinger

Their plans are the most affordable.

You could host your domain for as low as ₹79 rupees a month [when you choose their 48-months plan], saving as much as ₹15000.

When you choose a 24-months plan, you’ll be paying ₹120 rupees a month, which is still a great deal.

If you are choosing for 12 months, you’ll be paying ₹140 rupees a month, which is still a lot less than other hosting providers out there.

You get premium features without paying a premium.

With every hosting plan, you get:

  1. LiteSpeed cache for WordPress plugin that will make your website load faster across the globe
  2. Cloudflare protected Nameservers protecting your website from DDoS attacks
  3. 99.9% uptime guarantee
  4. Intuitive tools make it easy for you to manage your WordPress website even if you are a complete newbie and have zero technical knowledge
  5. Weekly backups
  6. Free SSL and so much more.

That’s why I recommend Hostinger to everyone who begins their freelancing journey in the digital marketing space.


  • You are not just buying a domain and hosting.
  • You are setting up your online address.
  • You are setting up the foundation for a limitless future.

Key Takeaways

Your website or blog will get you the dream job you have always wished for.

Trust me when I say this. I got my first gig just because I had my blog up and running, and I published my experience in growing a blog from scratch to hundreds of thousands of visitors.

  • Your website will get you the dream clients.
  • Your website will help you become a successful freelancer.
  • Your website will help you grow your agency business.
  • Your website will help you establish a consulting or mentoring business and succeed at it.

There is a lot you can do with a website.

It all begins with getting your website online.

Get your website online with the most affordable and quality hosting.

And welcome to the world of unlimited possibilities.

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